Beginning January 21, 2021, Catholics in our Diocese and across the country will join in prayer during Diocese of Tucson 9 Days for Life. Each day from Thursday, January 21 – Friday, January 29, you will receive an email with the daily novena prayers.
The prayer campaign, sponsored by Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger and other Bishops around the country begins just before the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children and concludes on Friday, January 29, the day of the national March for Life in Washington, D.C., which this year will be virtual.
The intention of the novena is for an end to abortion, respect for the dignity of the unborn, their mothers and fathers and for all human beings from conception to natural death. Each day highlights challenges to building a culture of life and respect, especially for our brothers and sisters facing all the fears that seems to dominate our times.